District Overview
Pittsfield is a small city in western Massachusetts. It is located about 50 miles northwest of Springfield, near the border with New York. During the 2018-19 school year, the Pittsfield Public Schools reported an enrollment of 5,429 students – making it the 38th largest public school district in Massachusetts.
Enrollment Stats:
- 5,261 students in 12 schools
- 62% White, 16% Hispanic, 11% African-American, 9% Multi-Racial
- 63% High Needs Students

RBT Services
Courses and Consulting
RBT has worked with Pittsfield Public Schools since 2017. The case study report captures results from the 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 school years where RBT delivered ATSR, SST, TEAMS courses as well as training, coaching, and consulting.
Summary of Services from 2017-2019:
- ATSR course for all district administrators, principals & assistant principals
- TEAMS training for administrators & grade level team leaders in Crosby Elementary School, Morningside Community School, Herberg Middle School & Reid Middle School
- SST course for teachers in Herberg Middle School
- Training on unit design for high school staff
- Training for principals on collaborative data inquiry
- Coaching & consultation as follow-up to ATSR and TEAMS training
Assessment of Services
- 93% of administrators rated quality of ATSR course as high
- 100% of administrators rated quality of in-person coaching by RBT as high
- 96% of administrators rated quality of virtual coaching provided by RBT as high
- Protocols and tools from TEAMS course were used regularly by administrators and staff
- 92% of Herberg teachers rated the SST instructor as being highly effective in their preparation and passion for the course, responses to questions, accessibility, quality of discussions, and belief in course participants
- District, school, and teacher union leadership characterized RBT as valued collaborators and advisors in school improvement efforts
What Pittsfield Staff Said About RBT
- “Pittsfield students have a far, far better learning experience as a result of RBT joining our team.”
- “By far the best and most motivating training our district has provided. I feel that it has made me a stronger, more impactful leader in my building.”
- “Having the opportunity to work with RBT, while I worked in the classroom and in my administrative role, really helped me refresh my outlook on teaching and reinvigorate my career.”
RBT's Impact
- Pittsfield students improved performance on state ELA test and reduced the gap with statewide student performance
- 90% of administrators reported that RBT programs had a significant impact on their observation of important classroom events, their use of common language and concepts, and their capacity for strategic leadership
- 100% of administrators reported that changes in classroom observation practices due to RBT programs resulted in positive impact on teaching practices
- 91% of administrators reported that the RBT program had a positive impact on teacher effectiveness
- Morningside Community School & Reid Middle School made substantial progress in implementing the TEAMS model
- Pittsfield High School made substantial progress in implementation of unit design process

Key Information
- 93% of administrators rated quality of ATSR course as high
- 100% of administrators rated quality of in-person coaching by RBT as high
- District, school, and teacher union leadership characterized RBT as valued collaborators and advisors in school improvement efforts
- 90% of administrators reported that RBT programs had a significant impact on their observation of important classroom events, their use of common language and concepts, and their capacity for strategic leadership
- 100% of administrators reported that changes in classroom observation practices due to RBT programs resulted in positive impact on teaching practices
- 91% of administrators reported that the RBT program had a positive impact on teacher effectiveness