Bloom's Taxonomy (page 250)
All students need to be invited and supported to do higher-level thinking, no matter what their literacy level. To do this requires a clear framework for understanding what higher-level thinking is. Benjamin Bloom and his colleagues (1956) created the original framework for this understanding.
Tools like this are useful for planning lessons. The implication of the research on questioning for lesson planning is that we must be deliberate about our questions and plan a route so we use them to get all our students into higher levels of thinking. We also have to prepare ourselves for how students respond to the questions.
Referenced in The Skillful Teacher, 7th Edition, p.250
Tools like this are useful for planning lessons. The implication of the research on questioning for lesson planning is that we must be deliberate about our questions and plan a route so we use them to get all our students into higher levels of thinking. We also have to prepare ourselves for how students respond to the questions.
Referenced in The Skillful Teacher, 7th Edition, p.250
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