Module 3: A Framework for Collaborative Inquiry - Chapter 3.6 Implementing/Monitoring/Achieving Results
This chapter features a principal from Salem, Massachusetts, who describes how, in direct response to data analysis, the school implemented two new programs: a platooning model in grades 4-5 and a phonemic awareness program for grades K-1. Then they “followed the data,” as Principal Higgins says, by monitoring implementation through the use of multiple data sources, including student, teacher, and parent surveys. When both programs led to gains in student achievement, the school and the district celebrated success by expanding the platooning program in the school and the phonemic awareness program throughout the district.
Reflect and Dialogue:
What is your reaction to the advice, “Do less, monitor more” (N. Love [ed.], Using Data to Improve Learning for All: A Collaborative Inquiry Approach, Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, 2009, p. 76)?
What does Mark Higgins mean by “follow the data”? What are the implications of this approach for principals? For teachers?
Reflect and Dialogue:
What is your reaction to the advice, “Do less, monitor more” (N. Love [ed.], Using Data to Improve Learning for All: A Collaborative Inquiry Approach, Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, 2009, p. 76)?
What does Mark Higgins mean by “follow the data”? What are the implications of this approach for principals? For teachers?
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