The Skillful Data Use Series: Collaborative Inquiry: Connecting Data to Results Overview
What is this?
An introductory set of video-based instructional modules on Skillful Data Use™ highlighting the rationale and a process for using data to improve teaching and learning
Who is it for?
K-12 teachers and administrators
Data and instructional coaches
Data Teams and professional learning communities
Participants and alumni of RBT’s Data Coach Program
Schools both new to and veterans of collaborative inquiry
What’s included in the set?
Instructional videos including modules with:
Insights from Data Coaches, teachers, and administrators who have successfully implemented collaborative inquiry
Expert commentary by Nancy Love, lead author of The Data Coach’s Guide to Improving Learning for All Students, and RBT consultants
Data Teams in action
“Reflect and Dialogue” questions to guide individual and/or collaborative learning
Support Materials to accompany videos
How can you use this?
For individual learning
As a resource for Data Teams or study groups to use together to take stock of and strengthen collaborative inquiry in your school or district
To build stakeholder support for collaborative inquiry
To prepare for implementation of RBT’s Data Coach Program
As a refresher on key elements of RBT’s Data Coach Program
As a companion to The Data Coach’s Guide to Improving Learning for All Students: Unleashing the Power of Collaborative Inquiry (Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, 2008) by N. Love, K.E. Stiles, S. Mundry, and K. DiRanna
The material in these videos and support documents from or adapted from Nancy Love, Katherine E. Stiles, Susan Mundry, and Kathryn DiRanna, The Data Coach’s Guide to Improving Learning for All Students: Unleashing the Power of Collaborative Inquiry (Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, 2008) is used and adapted with the permission of Corwin Press.
An introductory set of video-based instructional modules on Skillful Data Use™ highlighting the rationale and a process for using data to improve teaching and learning
Who is it for?
K-12 teachers and administrators
Data and instructional coaches
Data Teams and professional learning communities
Participants and alumni of RBT’s Data Coach Program
Schools both new to and veterans of collaborative inquiry
What’s included in the set?
Instructional videos including modules with:
Insights from Data Coaches, teachers, and administrators who have successfully implemented collaborative inquiry
Expert commentary by Nancy Love, lead author of The Data Coach’s Guide to Improving Learning for All Students, and RBT consultants
Data Teams in action
“Reflect and Dialogue” questions to guide individual and/or collaborative learning
Support Materials to accompany videos
How can you use this?
For individual learning
As a resource for Data Teams or study groups to use together to take stock of and strengthen collaborative inquiry in your school or district
To build stakeholder support for collaborative inquiry
To prepare for implementation of RBT’s Data Coach Program
As a refresher on key elements of RBT’s Data Coach Program
As a companion to The Data Coach’s Guide to Improving Learning for All Students: Unleashing the Power of Collaborative Inquiry (Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, 2008) by N. Love, K.E. Stiles, S. Mundry, and K. DiRanna
The material in these videos and support documents from or adapted from Nancy Love, Katherine E. Stiles, Susan Mundry, and Kathryn DiRanna, The Data Coach’s Guide to Improving Learning for All Students: Unleashing the Power of Collaborative Inquiry (Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, 2008) is used and adapted with the permission of Corwin Press.
Support Materials
Video Information
Other videos by related topic:
Skillful Data Use